Hadi Godazgar


Hadi works in the Dispute Resolution team. He joined Carpmaels after qualifying as a barrister at an IP-specialist set of chambers. He has broad experience of many aspects of patent litigation and is currently focussed on litigation in the UPC.

Hadi has extensive background in mathematics and physics. After obtaining a PhD in theoretical physics, he was awarded a junior research fellowship at King’s College Cambridge and then worked as a research scientist at the Max Planck Institute for gravitational physics in Germany. His research included work on quantum field theory and black holes.

In the UK, he has experience of FRAND litigation (technical and willingness trials) and disputes concerning medical devices, pharmaceuticals and semiconductor technology. In the UPC, he has been involved in litigation in the pharmaceuticals and life sciences sector, including drafting submissions at the UPC Local Division and Court of Appeal.

Away from work Hadi enjoys listening to and playing Persian music on the kamancheh. Having been introduced to mushroom picking in Germany, he is keen to develop his knowledge of fungi.


  • BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Physics (University of York)
  • Master of Advanced Study in Mathematics (University of Cambridge)
  • PhD Theoretical physics (University of Cambridge)
  • Barrister