Mechanical Devices

Holistic advice in a sector where strong IP protection is a pre-requisite for success

Mechanical Devices

Our attorneys are tenacious in securing our clients enviable protection for mechanical devices in an enormous range of fields

We are passionate about mechanical devices and the vital role they have to play in our clients’ businesses. Rather than seeing them as adjunct to other areas, we always see them as part of the bigger picture.

Our attorneys are tenacious in securing our clients enviable protection for mechanical devices in an enormous range of fields. We succeed because we see how the multitude of parts fit together, and have a knack for convincing examiners without giving up claim scope.

The team blends experience drawn from tactical and litigious use of registered and unregistered designs with an exceptional reputation for patent prosecution, offering clients holistic advice in a sector where strong IP protection is a pre-requisite for commercial success.

Senior Associates

Global portfolio building

Our team generated a global portfolio of IP rights (patents, trade marks and design registrations) for a significant UK-based company in the window hinge sector. Over many years, through our effective handling of the portfolio, an array of licences producing a steady income stream was achieved.