Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Software

"The Carpmaels team of highly experienced leaders demonstrates really impressive attention to detail even on very complex technical matters." Chambers UK, 2025

Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Software

Our experts identify the best approaches to acquire valuable protection.

The rapid development of AI and software is having a significant impact on a variety of technologies, from medical devices to data security, from payment systems to pharmaceuticals. The development of this technology is an important focus for value generation and yet protecting this value with IP continues to pose challenges.

Our experience

In a complex technology field with a myriad of challenges, our team is continually pushing the boundaries by handling commercially important software and AI cases.

Our multidisciplinary team includes attorneys with years of experience in advising on software patents, copyright, AI and data. They have in-depth knowledge of the technical and legal framework governing computer-implemented inventions and AI technology.

Our team’s deep understanding of the relevant legal issues means that we are skilled at crafting patent specifications that meet the strict requirements of patent offices worldwide. Clients regularly ask us to advise at a strategic level on how to approach patenting in this field and are frequently called upon to formulate policy with legislators and related organisations.

We work with clients at the forefront of AI innovation across a variety of sectors spanning engineering, tech and life sciences.

Some uses of software and AI are merely new applications of known methodologies, which can be problematic for obtaining patent protection. AI may involve dynamic characteristics which can be difficult to protect within the confines of structured claim language. Alongside this, there may be commercial reasons why some forms of IP are inappropriate for protecting the methodologies and large data sets typically employed in AI and software-based systems. We routinely advise on all these aspects relating to AI innovation.

Senior Associate