Formidable advocates with extensive experience of the EPO opposition and appeal procedure
From catalysts to composite materials, food chemistry to electrochemistry, the attorneys in our Chemistry team are specialists with knowledge that spans a comprehensive variety of chemical technologies, enabling a seamless service in conjunction with the firm’s other teams at the interfaces with engineering and life sciences. A combination of hands-on experience within industry-leading companies, academic research at leading universities, and extensive patent expertise, equips our chemistry team with the tools to solve even the most challenging problems.
Our chemistry team boasts some formidable advocates with extensive experience of EPO opposition and appeal procedure. Their experience at the forefront of the law, and constant feedback and debate in team meetings, drive cutting-edge and coherent strategies for drafting, prosecution and litigation.
The aim is always to uphold our reputation for reliable, thoughtful and relevant advice. We also work hard to build strong relationships with our clients, fostering trust through open communication and consistent actions.
Our patent specialists work hand-in-hand with our trade mark and transactions teams in order to provide a complete IP service to our clients.
Our approach is to be meticulous, insightful and adaptable and we excel in the provision of high-level strategic advice. You can expect us to know your cases inside-out and to use our creativity to find out-of-the-ordinary solutions and strong, defensible protection for your innovations. This is why we are sought after by emerging and mid-sized businesses at the threshold of success, as well as entrusted by industry-leading multi-nationals to conduct global management of their IP portfolios.
Chemical Synthesis & Processes
Consumer Products
Meet the Chemistry team
Successful Defence Against UKIPO Revocation Action
In previous litigation, the High Court awarded a final injunction against Airscience under Wallenius Water’s European patent covering apparatus for purifying fluids with ozone and UV light. In the UKIPO litigation, we successfully defended the patent against a revocation action from Airscience, allowing the earlier injunction to remain in force.
Novelty, inventive step and sufficiency were considered, along with estoppel and the admissibility of late-filed expert evidence, which was subsequently struck out for not meeting the requirement of being “strictly in reply”.